About Me and Website

About Myself

Hi I am Ng Jun Jie

Name Ng Jun Jie
Year of Study Year 3
Course Diploma in Maritime Business (DMB)
Schools Singapore Maritime Academy Singapore Polytechnic
Email junjie2802@gmail.com
Telegram JJ Ng


I am a person that has an interest to take on challengers as i feel that if you dont take up the challengers you will not succeed in life and my main hobbies is i like to collect animated figures and sports such as archery, basketball and weight lifting .

About websites

This website that i have created is to present my projects and assignment that i have made and learnt as this could reflects my progression on my learning journey fro this module for the past 6 month.

Topics covered
fablab safety
web development
CAD drawing
3D printing
Laser Cutting
Audrino Circuit Design