Fab Lab Safety

Safety Precautious

The first thing that we must take note of when we are inside a fablab is to adhere the safety rules of the fablab which includes using of machinary equipment, attire and behaviuors in order to avoid any injuries or death from happening.

Attire in Fablab

-cover shoes
-long hair must be tied up
-wear PPE exp: safety goggles,gloves and safety vest (when operating machinary equipment)
-no loose clothes (long sleeves)
-no jewellery or necklace allowed
Housekeeping in Fablab

-keep all tools back after use
-keep all workplace neat and tidy
-put all unused material at the recycle area
-clean all chips and dust off the machine

Emergency Procedure in Fablab
In case of any emergency occurs please call the below hotline:
-Police 999
-SCDF for Ambulance 995 or 1777