Laser Cutting

Laser Cut Music Box

laser cut quiz

Before i had my laser cut i will have to do the laser cutting certification quiz and in th quiz i tried 3 times so for my first tries i scored 60% and i decided to try the second times and after i completed second tries i scored 70% and i decided to try for thrid tries and in the thrid tries i manage to scored a 90%

The above shows the fusion 360 drawing and the drawings shows the length 140mm, height 50mm and width 80mm.

Libre cad

Afetr i have draw the box at fusion 360 i will have to import the parts into the librecad to check whether the parts does it match with the laser cutter the above pictures is the layout of my parts in librecad.

laser cutter

Firstly i will have to import my dxf file into corel draw and align it by parts next i will insert the text on my top pieces of my box by changing the size to comics sans and font sized of 20 and centralized the text after i have done i will click on print to print it at the laser cutter software and in the software i will have to check the following before sending my parts to the cutting machine and the settings consists of changing of the settings to hairline and i will have to ensure the air exist for both the engrave and vector is on, for the vector part i have to make sure the following settings which are the speed , power and frequency which are 15%, 75% and 50% The picture above shows the setting of the software

 laser cutting machine

Secondly i wll sent the cut to the machine and i will have to change the settings at the laser cutter to jog and adjust the laser to the top right in order to make sure that the laser cutter is at the zeroing position after i have adjust i wil start lasercutting and when doing laser cutting i will have to close the lead first. In laser cutting the machine will start on engraving and after the laser cutter have finished the engraving part it will start with vector cutting the picture above shows the finsihed product in the machine.

box part

Thirdly, after laser cutting i will have to retreive my parts out of the laser cutter and fixed it accordingly by fixing it i will get tapes from the lecturer to merge the parts together after i have finished fixing it i will have to put in the crank to check whter the crank does it fit to my box. the above pitcure shows the parts of the box i have cut out

finished product  box with crank

The above two pictures shows the finished product i have made and it fitted well with the crank

 assemble of music box

the above picture shows the box after i have glue the mechanical crank in the box and drilling of hole

finished product for laser cutting

After gluing of the crank this is the final product