
Week 1

In this week of the lesson we were told to do a safety quiz and find the software tools. for this saftey quiz it wil be on blackboard that is under fablab safety quiz, in this quiz i was given 5 attempts and the score for the quiz need to be 90% and through many tries i manage to get a score of 90% in my final attempts. For the tools i was told to choose software tools for text editor, graphics editor,vector editor, screen capture image resizer ,CAD system and browser that will be used for the following weeks and the software tools that i have used are visual studio code ,GIMP,picpick,fast stone photo resizer, fusion360 and chrome.

Week 2

In this lesson we were taught to learn more about HTML to start on of the documentation on our webpage by creating the index.html and about.html and futher more we were given w3 school website to learn more on adding the features on our webpage.Through this documentaion i faces some problem on doing my coding as i had not do coding for more than 4 years so i decided to take alook on the w3schools and search on website on the features that i could include in my webpage and after alot of tries i manage to get the webpage that i want.

Week 3

In this week we were told to continue with our documentation ,learn more about CSS and using of github to publish our website and additionally we were given jw kennedy to have a reference on doing the css on the webpage. in creating of the css i faces another problem in adjusting of the css so i decided went to goggle to take a look on the reference of doing css and through tries i manage to get the result that i want .

Week 4

In this week we were taught to learn more about using of github to publish our website in additionally the first thing we were told to create an account on github and download the github desktop by creating new reporsitory in order for us to insert our webpage into the github, after we have insert our webpage into the github account we will have to copy our github website to the excel spreadsheet for our lecturer to take a look on our progression on our website. In inserting of the github reporsitory i faces some problems whereby the photo of my webpage does not shows up and i decided to figure out by doing reserach on the net on inserting of photo into the reporsitory through many tries i manage to insert the photo into github.

Week 5

In this week we were taught to learn more about the Fusion 360 with a sketch of spanner by watching the youtube video that is given in the lecturer slides and we were taught by using of shapes to draw the items that we wanted to create such as line, 2 dimensional rectangle, circle, dimension and horizontal and vertical .In drawing of the shapes i had difficulty in drawing as i does not have any knowledge of drawing so i decided to try it out by using of the youtube video that was given in the lecturer slide to draw the sketch in fuion 360 and what i did is to follow the video steps and through many tries i manage to get the drawing for spanner.

Week 6

In this week we were introduce with a new function in fusion 360 which was creating parameters ,extrude, text , shell,sculpting and revolving with a sketch of designing a nametag and cubes and chess piece. For creating the parameter we will have to create the length, width , height and thickness for the cube and nametag before we do a sketch on the items. so it will be easier for us to sketch the dimension as the dimension is already fixed and after we have finished our sketch we will need to extrude out according to the parameter that has been already set and next if we want to cut a hole on the bottom part of the cube and nametag we wil need to shell or revolve it according to the size next if we wants to insert the name on the keychain we will have to use the text fusion and insert into the keychain lastly we can use sculpting to subdivide the surface sections to break the shapes.For creating the chess piece i face some problem when drawing the shape of the chess piece so i decided to redraw and take a look on video tutorial to try it out after many tries i have manage to get the finish product.

Week 7

In this we were told to create a laptop stand by creating the parameters of the laptop stand according the the height,width ,thickness length and the tools that will be using the laptop stand were offet mirror ,extrude,copy and paste.Additionally we were given a video as a guide to watch on creating of the laptop stand. After we have create the laptop stand we will need to select the top, leg and support to convert into the DXF file for laser cutting and we also have to download the Libre CAD to insert the parts that we going to laser cut.Through the designing of the laptop stand i met some challengers on measuring the scale of my laptop stand and i realized that it does not match my personal laptop so i have to readjust the length of the top which takes me quite a long time to do it and after many tries i manage to get the laptop stand sizes that i want.

Week 8

In this week we were given an assignment to create a music box in fusion 360 by using the same concept with the laptop stand and this assignment we were told that is counted in the 40% and have to be submitted after our term break of our overall module marks and this project we were told to indicate a moving lid and through this assignment i had made some challengers when creating the box and he lid as i couldnt find a suitable video that suits my assignments so i decided to do extra research and through many days of research i manage to find the 2 video that i want for the box and lid and firstly i will have to draw the box by looking at the first video and after i have finished the box i will have to use the second video to complete the lid. afer i have finished the both part i will have to merge the box and the lid together.

Week 9

In this week we were taught to use thnkercad to design a electronic cirucit and the use of audrino firstly for circuit design we were told to use a variuos of components to create the circuit after i have finished on designing the circuit we wre taught by using audrino to use the UNO to control the circuit by using C++ coding. Through these exercise i had difficulty on creating the circuit as i had not been doing electronics for 4 years and i have to relearned every thing again so this leads me to had a big challenge so i decided to went to the web to take a look on some tutorials so it will be easier for me to do circuit design for C++ coding i faces on the coding part as i did ot done C++ before so i decided to take a look on some tutorials at the web so it will be more easier for me to pick up the C++ skills.

Week 10

In this week we were taught to perform a laser cutting for the music box firstly i will have to import the parts to the coreldraw in orer to include the text into the drawing through this laser cutter i have faces some challengers where the back pats of the box could not metch together so i deceided to cut 5mm inside the fusion 360 and after i cut i wll save the parts as DXF file to my thumdrive and insert into the laser cut software to cut it after i cut it i try to fix it and it match with the rest of the parts.

Week 11

In this week we were taught to perform 3D printing . firstly i will have to save the file as STL and import the file to the cura and in cura i will have to ceck the settings such as infill,support after i have finished changing the settings i will have to save it to a SD cards for printing.

Week 12

In this week we were given the physical components such as UNO, LED, Resistors and switch to perform our physical connections so through this connections i manage to connect all the components correctly.

Week 13

In this week we were given different types senors and actuators to test out for sensors this incldes ultrasonic sensor, tempreature sensor and motions sensors, for actuators we were given neopixel, seven segment LED and Displays. Through these tries i manage to test out all types of sensors and actuators and get the positive outcome.

Week 14

In this week we were taught to choose our final project and fill up the word documents that what types of components that we need for our poject So i choose a simpler project which is mood lamp with light changing functions and the components that i need is neopixel, ultrasonic sensor , audrino nano plywood and acrylic.